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What Can Be the Best Painting Inspirations?

Painting is a relaxing activity that both adults and children can enjoy, but at times it can be very challenging and frustrating. Every artist faces the same problem, and that is when inspiration is required. Apparently, inspiration can come from anywhere, from memories to nature, to something as random as your bedroom closet.

If you are a painter or an artist, you will surely need something to look at when you are trying to create something. The colors you use for painting should be on point. You need them to contrast one another as well as the walls, furniture, and other elements in a room. The color needs to be bright enough for you to see it easily. It should be easy enough to match with other elements as well.

So, what can be the best painting inspiration? 

Fluffy Clouds

Clouds have always been a favorite subject for artists, whether their inspiration is natural or from their imagination. Sometimes they are beautiful and give you a sense of peace; other times, they are menacing and horrible. But, one thing is for sure, cloudy skies provide endless inspiration.

A Portrait of Yourself When You Were A Kid

A portrait of yourself when you were a kid is a great painting inspiration. If you have a painted portrait of yourself when you were a kid, you would have fun painting it now, and you could also learn something new from your painting.

A Peacock’s Colorful Plumage

The peacock’s colorful plumage is a source of great inspiration for painters. It’s certainly a gorgeous sight to behold. Apparently, peacocks are known for their stunning tail feathers, which display an array of colors—from blue, black, green, red, orange, purple, yellow, and a combination of all of these.

A Cherry Blossom Tree

The cherry blossom tree is a symbol of spring and beauty and has been an inspiration in painting for centuries. In fact, this tree is also a symbol of Japan because flowers bloom early in the spring and decorate the entire country with its beautiful and vibrant colors. Besides, it is also a symbol of youth and new life.

Mountain Landscape

A mountain landscape is a real source of inspiration for artists. While most people pursue landscape paintings because they love nature and scenery, there are some artists that find inspiration in the mountains. However, painting mountains is not as easy as it may seem. There are challenges involved, and artists need to exert a lot of effort while completing a painting.

No matter whether you are a professional painter or a student eager to learn art, you require inspiration to create paintings. It would be best to have paintings that give your ideas on what to paint. For that, the painting of a sunset or the sea or a lake can prove to be a real inspiration.

Paint On Rocks Instead of On Canvas

Rock art is one of the most amazing forms of art, but have you ever thought of painting rocks instead of painting on canvas? Rock painting is such a cool thing; it will have you wishing to do it more and more. Most often, rock art is done as mosaics, usually with found objects, like shells, stones, and pebbles.

A Bouquet of Flowers in A Vase

When talking about the best painting inspirations, the first thing that comes to mind is the beauty of flowers. The colors and different shapes of flowers are not only fascinating, but they help you think about the beauty of nature. Needless to say, flowers always look fresh and alive and they have the ability to heal and nourish us. They often are symbols of love, joy, and happiness and could also be powerfully inspiring to any artist.

Your Furry Friend

Your pet is your best friend and you treat him like one. As any pet owner knows, it can be a real challenge to keep your furry friend away from chewing on things. Well, you can let your pet do the chewing and make the best portrait out of that stressful yet cute scenario.

Your Favorite Coffee Mugs

The coffee mug which you like the most has probably been painted with your favorite painting, picture, or quote. Consider all of these as inspiration and make amazing art out of them.

Inspiration comes from everywhere. It can come from a moment, a picture, a piece of music, or even from your own personal experiences. Painting is an art form, and one great way to develop your painting skills is to draw inspiration from your own life experiences.

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